Spinal Cord Injury Case Study

Case Study: Spinal Cord Reconstruction Surgery for Spinal Cord Injury

Patient Information:

  • Name: S.C.
  • Date of Birth: July 21, 1980
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Bangladesh

Diagnosis: Spinal Cord Injury following a fall from height.

Mr. Syed Maksodul Hassan Chowdhury suffered a spinal cord injury after falling from a significant height and experiencing a brief period of unconsciousness. He had no sensation in his lower limbs post-accident.

Three months after the incident, his brother discovered an advanced treatment option for him: Spinal Cord Reconstruction Surgery at Beijing Puhua International Hospital.

Medical Condition Prior to Intervention:

  • Sensations absent below T10
  • Unable to sit or walk
  • No urinary or bowel control

After admission, Mr. Chowdhury underwent the following procedures:

  1. Spinal Cord Reconstruction Surgery: On November 2, 2015, he received spinal cord reconstruction surgery during which Neural Growth Factor was injected into the injured area to promote re-growth of the spinal cord.
  2. Neural Growth Factor Therapy via Lumbar Puncture: On November 12, 2015, he was given Neural Growth Factor Therapy to strengthen the previous treatment.

Medical Condition Post-Treatment:

Six months after the intervention, Mr. Syed Chowdhury has made significant improvements:

  • He can sit and get up with assistance
  • He experiences burning sensations when urinating, indicating increased sensation in that area
  • His sensation level has improved down to the knee joints level

He shared a recent video showcasing his rehabilitation progress, highlighting the significant improvement he has made.


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