Spinal Cord Injury Case Study

Case Study: Spinal Cord Reconstruction Surgery for Complete Spinal Cord Injury

Patient Information:

  • Name: Mr. Ziani
  • Date of Birth: January 1, 1971
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Algeria

Diagnosis: Complete spinal cord injury (SCI) following traumatic injury

Admission History: The patient was admitted due to bilateral lower limb dyskinesia and sensory disturbance post-trauma, with impaired bowel and bladder control for over 18 months.

Medical Condition Prior to Surgery:

  • Alert and oriented, with fluent speech
  • Pupils equal, round, and reactive; no nystagmus
  • Ocular movements intact
  • Muscle strength: 5/5 in upper limbs, 0/5 in lower limbs
  • Sensory level: absent in saddle area of lower limbs
  • Anal reflex (-), bilateral Babinski sign (-)

On May 8, 2013, the patient underwent spinal cord reconstruction surgery. Postoperatively, he received a regimen that included nerve nutrition therapy, infection prevention, comprehensive rehabilitation training, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture for 21 days.

Medical Condition After Surgery:

  • Significant improvement in overall condition
  • Steady vital signs and clear speech
  • Sensory level improving; sensory plane decreasing to abdominal level
  • Incision healing well

Patient Satisfaction: Mr. Ziani expressed high satisfaction with the initial outcomes of the combined spinal cord reconstruction surgery and neural growth factor therapy at Beijing Puhua International Hospital for his complete SCI.

This case study illustrates a successful application of advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive rehabilitation approaches in managing complete spinal cord injury, leading to significant functional improvements for the patient.


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