Case Study: Spinal Cord Reconstruction Surgery for Spinal Cord Injury
Patient Information
- Name: Aditya
- Date of Birth: January 1, 1993
- Gender: Male
- Country: Nepal
Medical History
Admitted to Beijing Puhua International Hospital six months post-motor vehicle accident with complaints of limbs mobility disorder.
Preoperative Status
- Alert and oriented, with fluent speech and normal visual acuity.
- Equal, round pupils with brisk response to light; intact ocular movements and pharyngeal reflex.
- Soft and supple neck, no deviation noted with the uvula.
- Muscle strength: 5/5 in upper limbs, slightly low muscular tension in lower limbs.
- Pain sensation absent below bilateral inguinal level (3 cm).
- Incision scar present on lumbar back; bladder stoma noted in abdomen.
Surgical Intervention
- Intra-spinal exploration via post-midline approach was performed on May 30, 2013.
- Postoperative management included fluid infusion, neural nutrition, hemostasis, anti-secretory, and anti-infective medications.
Postoperative Status (21 days post-surgery)
- Alert with stable vital signs and clear speech; pupils equal, round, and responsive to light.
- Limb movements unchanged from preoperative status.
- Sensation improved in right lower limb, sensory level moved down to 3.0 cm above the knee.
- Incision well-healed.
Treatment Plan
- Ongoing rehabilitation therapy and traditional medicine support alongside postoperative care.