Parkinson"s Disease Case Study

Case Study: Parkinson's Disease


Patient Information:

  • Name: Penny Thomas
  • Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease
  • Date of Birth (D.O.B): August 3, 1954
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States

Treatment: Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery (Functional Stereotaxy) with post-operative daily IV neurological nutrients and medications.

Preoperative Condition:
Ms. Thomas, a female patient from the US, suffered from Parkinson's disease for several years. Her symptoms included:

  • Uncontrollable shaking and tremors
  • Extreme muscle tension and weakness
  • Frequent freeze-ups during walking or movement
  • Difficulty talking on the phone, reading, writing, eating, brushing hair, getting out of chairs, or getting up from bed independently
  • Limited neck mobility

Postoperative Condition (17 Days after Discharge):

  • Tremors greatly reduced but still occurred occasionally when concentration was high
  • Muscle tension eliminated
  • Strength improved, allowing for normal daily activities such as driving and sailing
  • Self-confidence restored

Long-term Follow-up:

  • 4 Months after Discharge: Penny visited friends and relatives in the US, attended her high school reunion, went horseback riding, and swam with dolphins. She noticed that missing some late-night medications didn't affect her body negatively.
  • 1 Year after Discharge: Penny reduced medication intake significantly, taking only 1/4 of a Sinemet tablet once daily. She engaged in various physical activities like gardening, riding horses, swimming, and hiking while maintaining regular rest. She also practiced positive affirmations such as "I'm recovering from Parkinson's."
  • 10 Years after Discharge: Penny's condition remained stable.

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