Parkinson"s Disease Case Study

Case Study: Parkinson's Disease


Patient Information:

  • Name: Ah Chay Tan
  • Diagnosis: Parkinson's Disease
  • Date of Birth (D.O.B): January 1, 1935
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Philippines

Treatment: Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery (Functional Stereotaxy) for Parkinson's Disease, along with daily IV medication, neural cell activation and proliferation therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), rehabilitation therapy, and blood pressure management.

Medical History:

Mr. Ah Chay Tan, a 77-year-old male from the Philippines, was admitted to Beijing Puhua International Hospital due to "progressive involuntary tremors of limbs" for over twelve years. His Parkinson's Disease began in 1998 with slight shaking of his right hand, which progressively worsened along with slow gait, deteriorating motor skills, and resting tremor, more severe on his right side.

Preoperative Condition:

  • Independent walking but very slowly with flexed posture, mild shuffling steps, and limited arm movement
  • Able to write, eat, climb stairs, get in/out of bed, dress/undress independently (albeit slowly)
  • Resting tremor, exacerbated by nervousness
  • High muscle tone causing stiffness in limbs and trunk, impairing fine movements
  • Slurred speech with masklike face upon examination

Treatment Details:

Mr. Tan underwent a stereotactic operation for Parkinson's Disease at BPIH, which included:

  • Injections of neural growth factors
  • Neural cell activation and proliferation therapy
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments
  • Rehabilitation therapy to improve functional mobility and independence
  • Medications for managing blood pressure

Postoperative Condition (Five Weeks After Surgery):

  • Speech clearer with increased facial expressiveness and smiling
  • Improved flexibility in limbs and trunk, facilitating fine movements and turning over in bed
  • Felt stronger with faster walking and more natural arm movements, improved posture
  • Reduced tremors in both hands, better control over tremor symptoms

No.12, Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, P.R of China

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