Diabetes Case Study



Patient Information:

  • Name: Faisal Salem
  • Diagnosis: Type-2 Diabetes (with Diabetic Nephropathy, Multiple Cerebral Infarction, Right Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion)
  • Date of Birth (D.O.B): August 5, 1971
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Saudi Arabia

Treatment: Nerve Growth Factor Therapy; medications to enhance peripheral circulation; neuronal nutritional support at Beijing Puhua International Hospital

Medical History:
Faisal was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in 2002, presenting with polydipsia, diuresis, and weight loss. Initially prescribed oral medications, his blood glucose control remained poor due to non-adherence to diabetic diet and exercise therapy. Insulin therapy was initiated, consisting of Aspart 15 Units TID and Glargine 30 Units QD; however, glycemic control was still suboptimal, leading to his admission at Beijing Puhua International Hospital for further management.

Medical Condition before Nerve Growth Factor Therapy:

  • Weakness
  • Frequent and severe hypoglycemia (4 episodes) despite insulin therapy
  • Intolerance to heat with diaphoresis
  • Poor dietary control
  • Normal urine output but alternating diarrhea and constipation
  • Laboratory findings: blood glucose 16.55 mmol/L (high), ALB 33.64 g/L (low), HbA1c 10.30% (high)

Nerve Growth Factor Therapy for Type-2 Diabetes:
Following admission, Faisal received the following treatment regimen:

  • Adjustment of hypoglycemic therapy
  • Nerve growth factor implantation via intravenous injections
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine support

Medical Condition after Nerve Growth Factor Therapy:
Post-Nerve Growth Factor Therapy, Faisal's insulin dosage was gradually reduced due to improved glycemic control. His renal function also demonstrated improvement, with urine protein levels decreasing from 2+ to 1+. Additionally, his HbA1c level decreased from 10.3% to 8%, and blood glucose levels became more stable. Faisal reported better adherence to healthy diets and moderate physical exercise post-treatment. Further improvements are anticipated with continued management.


No.12, Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, P.R of China

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