Cerebral Palsy Case Study

Case Study: Cerebral Palsy


Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery (Functional Stereotaxy) for Cerebral Palsy

Patient Information:

  • Name: Yousuf Ismail
  • Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Date of Birth: January 27, 2007
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Oman
  • Treatment: Stereotactic brain repair treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and physical therapy

Yousuf was first admitted to Beijing Puhua International Hospital in early 2010 due to postnatal delays in speech development and motor abilities, as well as recurrent convulsive episodes. His initial treatment yielded excellent results.

Four years later, on September 15, 2014, Patient Yousuf returned to the hospital for further treatment of his Cerebral Palsy.

Medical Condition Prior to Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery (Functional Stereotaxy) for Cerebral Palsy:

Pre-operative assessment:

  • Verbal communication: Limited to producing sounds like 'hum, ah.'
  • Visual tracking: Blink reflex present when hearing sounds, but no obvious visual tracking.
  • Emotional responses: Occasional smiling upon hearing relatives' voices.
  • Muscle tension: High in all extremities.
  • Spontaneous movement: Modest lift movements observed in all four limbs.
  • Pain response: Avoidance response to painful stimuli.

Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery for Cerebral Palsy:

Treatment protocols:

  1. Stereotactic treatment to repair injured neural cells
  2. Medical treatment to enhance cerebral circulation, nutrition, and metabolism
  3. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy
  4. Rehabilitation training

Medical Condition after Minimally Invasive Brain Repair Treatment for Cerebral Palsy:

Post-operative assessment:

  • General condition: Improved after Stereotactic Therapy
  • Visual tracking: Enhanced ability to track movements towards sound or moving objects
  • Sensitivity to external stimuli: Increased, with better emotional responses and reactions to other stimuli
  • Muscle tension: Decreased, with more normal tone in hands and extremities
  • Spontaneous movement: Increased in limb movements; also able to hold head upright longer while sitting up

No.12, Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, P.R of China

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