Cerebral Palsy Case Study

Case Study: Cerebral Palsy


Angelina's Journey with Minimally Invasive Brain Repair for Cerebral Palsy

Patient Information:

  • Name: Angelina
  • Diagnosis: Cerebral Palsy
  • Date of Birth: January 1, 2010
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: Argentina
  • Treatment: Stereotactic brain repair treatment, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and physical therapy

Medical History:

Angelina, a sweet 4-year-old girl, was robbed of many opportunities due to her brain condition following a serious fever. At the age of 1, she suffered a high fever for two days, resulting in convulsions, multiple organ failure, and loss of consciousness. She required resuscitation but subsequently became obtunded and unable to stand or walk.

Medical Condition Prior to Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery (Functional Stereotaxy):

The fever had caused brain damage, leading to frequent seizures daily. Angelina could only produce simple syllables like "D" or "M." Her overall physical condition was poor; she could barely hold her head up straight for short periods. Prolonged bedrest resulted in hip joint dislocations due to shallow hips and high muscle tone in her legs, with her torso and legs always extended. She had a foot drop condition, making standing and walking nearly impossible. Flexion contractures in her arms and hands prevented grasping.

Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery for Cerebral Palsy:

Upon admission, medical protocols were implemented, including stereotactic treatment to repair injured neural cells, improving cerebral circulation, nutrition, and metabolism, combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), rehabilitation therapy, and supportive care.

Medical Condition after Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery:

Angelina's condition improved significantly:

  • Seizures reduced to 2-3 brief and mild events per day
  • Improved sleep and appetite
  • Increased eye contact, faster visual tracking, and enhanced responses to verbal interactions
  • Began producing single-syllable words ("eh," "ah," "da")
  • More emotional responses; reacted to her mother's moods
  • Muscle tone improved, allowing for increased physical activity:
    • Arms reaching
    • Fingers bending and stretching in both hands
    • Knees and hips bending (enabling sit-up assistance)

No.12, Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, P.R of China

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