Ataxia Case Study

Case Study: Ataxia


Patient Information:

  • Name: Omar
  • Diagnosis: Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxia
  • Date of Birth (D.O.B): February 2, 1979
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Egypt

Treatment: Neural Growth Factor Therapy, supplemented with cerebral blood circulation improvement and nutritional therapy

Medical History:
Omar, a 35-year-old male, was admitted to Beijing Puhua International Hospital in June 2014. He reported decreased vision for the previous eight years and unsteady gait with slurred speech for the past three years. He was diagnosed with hereditary cerebellar ataxia.

Medical Condition before Treatment:

  • Unable to stand independently due to impaired balance and motility
  • Dysarthria (slurred speech)
  • Decreased vision

Treatment Course:
Omar underwent Neural Growth Factor Therapy, combined with additional treatments focusing on improving cerebral blood circulation and nutrition. This was supplemented with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and rehabilitation training.

Post-Treatment Updates:
Upon discharge, Omar demonstrated significant improvements in:

  • Vision
  • Hand rotation movements
  • Finger-nose test stability
  • Balance maintenance on balance plate training (reduced falling incidents)
  • Single leg balance performance with minimal assistance
  • Bilateral heel-knee-tibia test stability
  • Gait improvement; able to walk independently

Post-Discharge Outlook:
Omar's condition is expected to continue improving over the following months.


No.12, Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, P.R of China

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